9 Benefits of Running Up Hills (Guide to Running Hills) Complete guide to running uphill

Running uphill can have some amazing benefits for runners. In fact, research has shown that hill runs can help you become faster and stronger, and it can even help you improve your endurance. Additionally, some of the benefits of running hills can help you burn more calories and lose weight, and it can even help prevent injuries.

Hill workouts can be a daunting task, but it’s worth it for the improvements you get in return. So if you’re looking to become a faster, stronger runner, here are nine benefits that you can expect to see when you add uphill workouts into your routine.

1. Hill running can improve your leg speed and turnover

If you want to be a successful runner, then it’s important to focus on two things: leg speed and turnover. By improving these two aspects of your training, you’ll be able to run faster and longer without getting tired. In addition, improving your leg speed and turnover can also help prevent injuries.

So how can you improve your leg speed and turnover? One way is to add regular hill sessions to your routine. Running uphill can help you become faster and stronger, and it can also help improve your endurance. Additionally, training hill running can help you burn more calories and lose weight, and it can even help prevent injuries. So if you’re looking to become a faster, stronger runner, be sure to add some hill workouts into your routine!

2. Running uphill can improve your VO2 max

Hill repeats can have a variety of advantages for runners. One most notable benefit is that it can help improve your VO2 max. Your VO2 max is a measure of how much oxygen your body can utilize during exercise, and it’s a good indicator of your overall fitness level. The higher your VO2 max, the more fit you are, and the better you’ll be able to perform in endurance activities like running and cycling.

Hill repeats can help improve your VO2 max because it causes your body to work harder than it does when on flat ground. When you do uphill training, your muscles have to do more work to propel you forward, and as a result, they become stronger and more efficient at utilizing oxygen. This means that when you race or train on flat ground, your body will be able to use more oxygen to fuel your activity, which will ultimately lead to improved performance.

3. Uphill running can help you improve your endurance

Endurance is key for runners. It’s what allows us to keep going when our bodies are screaming for us to stop. And it’s not just a physical thing – endurance is also about having the mental toughness to push through when things get tough.

That’s why it’s so important to build up your endurance levels if you want to be a successful runner. The good news is that there are many ways to do this, and one of the best methods is to do hill repeats. When you do uphill training, your muscles have to work harder than they do when you run on a flat surface. This causes your muscles to become stronger and more efficient, and over time this can lead to an increase in your endurance levels.

4. Hill running can help you burn more calories and lose weight

Running those uphills can be a great way to burn more calories and lose weight. In fact, research has shown that hills can help you burn up to 20% more calories going uphill than on flat ground. This is because when you do uphill training, your body has to work harder to move your body against the force of gravity. As a result, your heart rate and breathing rate increase, and you burn more calories.

So if you’re looking to lose weight, be sure to add some hill workouts into your workout routine! Not only will you burn more calories, but you’ll also become faster and stronger.

5. Hills can help prevent injuries

Doing hill workouts can help prevent injuries. When you do uphill training, your body has to work harder to move you forward, which means that all of your muscles are used more efficiently. This can help strengthen your muscles and joints, and it can also help improve your balance and coordination.

Additionally, doing hill repeats can help stretch and warm up your muscles before a workout, which can help reduce the risk of injury. So if you’re looking to stay healthy and injury-free, be sure to add some hill workouts into your routine!

As a runner, you know that it’s important to prevent injuries.

If you’re not careful, even the simplest things – like too many miles too quickly, or wearing the wrong shoes – can lead to injuries that can sideline you for weeks or even months.

That’s why it’s so important to be proactive about preventing injuries. Here are four tips, other than running up hills, that can help you stay healthy and without injuries as a runner:

1. Build up your mileage gradually

2. Wear the right shoes for your foot type

3. Get good sleep and rest

4. Take time for recovery after long runs

6. Hill training can improve your core muscles

Running is a great way to get in shape and stay healthy, but it can also be a great way to strengthen your core muscles. When you run, your abdominal and back muscles have to work much harder than they do when you walk or stand. This can help you improve your overall strength and stability, which can help prevent injuries.

And so uphill workouts are a great way to strengthen your core muscles. When you focus on efficient downhill running (or even in some cases uphill training), this engages your core muscles more than on a flat surface. This can help you improve your overall strength and stability, which can help you stay injury-free.

Additionally, strong core muscles can help improve your performance while running downhill or sprinting. So if you’re looking for an effective way to strengthen your core muscles, hill workouts are something you should be running!

7. Hill runs can improve your form

Running form is important because it can affect your speed, endurance, and overall performance. In order to run efficiently and effectively, you need to make sure that you’re using the right muscles and striking the ground with the correct force. Improper running form can lead to injuries and slower race times. Having bad form can make you expend more energy, making your workouts harder and your race times slower.

But fear not because key hill sessions can be a great way to improve your form. When you uphill training, you have to use more effort to propel yourself forward, which means that you’ll automatically running with better form. Uphill workouts can also help strengthen your muscles and improve your endurance. Which in turn will help you keep better form over time while hitting those trails.

8. Hill sprints can increase your turnover rate

Running is all about efficiency. The more efficient you are as a runner, the faster you will be. One way to become more efficient as a runner is to increase your turnover rate. What this means is that you need to take fewer steps per minute at the same speed as someone with a slower turnover rate.

There are several perks of having a high turnover rate. For one, it makes you faster. Additionally, it helps you conserve energy since you’re not using as much energy to move your feet forward. And finally, it helps prevent injuries, since you’re less likely to overuse certain muscles or joints when you have a high turnover rate.

One of the benefits of uphill workouts is that it can help increase your turnover rate. What this means is that sessions running hills can help you become faster and more efficient when you run downhill or on flat surfaces. When you run uphill, your muscles have to work harder, which in turn makes them stronger. This increased strength will then carry over to your other workouts, making you faster and more efficient overall.

9. Hill runs are great for race preparation

Most runners know that hill workouts are a great way to improve their overall fitness and speed. But what many runners don’t know is that hill workouts can also help prepare them for races. In fact, a hill interval session can be one of the best ways to get ready for a race! This is especially true of half marathon and marathon training.

There are several perks of hill sprint training when preparing for a race. For starters, regular hill training can help athletes of all levels become faster and stronger. Uphill running forces your muscles to work harder than they do when you run on flat ground, so over time they will become more powerful and efficient.

Additionally, uphill running can help improve your endurance. When you run up hills, you are actually doing something very similar to what you will do in a race – you are pushing your body to its limits. This helps increase your tolerance for fatigue, which means you will be able to go longer in a race without tiring out.

Finally, uphill sprints can help prevent injuries. When you run on flat ground, your feet hit the ground with an equal amount of force each time. But when you do hill repeats, this changes – because the hill increases the force of gravity on your body, your feet hit the ground with more force as you go up hill. This helps increase your tolerance for fatigue, which means you will be able to go longer in a race without tiring out. It’s incredible how much hill sessions running can drastically improve your pace in the half, the marathon, and other longer distance races. As well make hill running easy when it comes to race day. This is why as distance runners it’s key you start running hills in your training.

How often should I run hills?

Running hill sessions should be incorporated into your regular running routine at least once a week in order to reap the benefits. Depending on skill level, the frequency of hill runs can range from 1-3 times per week. For beginner runners, one hill run per week is recommended to help build strength and endurance. As you become more experienced with running uphills you may want to add a few hill sprints during your other scheduled runs.

Is running hills good for you?

Yes, hill workouts are good for you. In fact, it might be the best type of running you can do. Hill workouts make you work harder, and that’s a good thing. When you do these types of workouts, your muscles have to work much harder than they do when you run on a flat surface. As a result, doing hill workouts makes you stronger and faster. It also helps improve your endurance and cardiovascular fitness.

How to run hills without getting tired?

Taking on a hill without getting tired takes time and practice, but it can be done! It is important to start gradually, slowly increasing the intensity of the hills in your workouts as you progress. When running up a hill, use your arms and legs to power up the hill. Utilize a consistent stride length and drive through with each step to keep momentum.The key here is to be a like a bicycle and change your gears… Shorten your stride and increase your leg turnover. By doing this you’ll drastically decrease the amount of effort it takes to go up the hill, just like a bicycle switching gears. Note that you’ll have to play around with how much to shorten your stride. This all depends on the gradient of the hill. Some hills require a lot of shortening of your stride, and other hills don’t require much.


When it comes to running, most people think about speed and endurance. However, many people don’t realize that hill workouts can help you become faster and stronger. In fact, there are many benefits to running uphill that can help you improve your running performance.

Some of the hill running benefits include increased speed, increased strength, improved endurance, increased calorie burn, improve race times, and even prevention of injuries. All of these benefits can help you become a faster, stronger runner. So if you’re looking to take your training to the next level, be sure to add some hill workouts into your routine every week! Hill running works!

That being said, make sure your training plan is supporting hill training and your follow our guides in this article to improve your pace and overall strength. Not only will you see benefits in terms of performance, but you’ll also get a great workout in. Lastly, remember to also get good nutrition while doing this type of training. As athletes, nutrition can play a big factor in how effective your training is.

Sean Gallagher

Sean is an elite marathon runner and Olympic Trials hopeful. He has 30+ years of experience competing and has coached at various levels.

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